SAT Prep Plymouth

SAT Prep Plymouth

Number Of Classes: 22
Class Duration: 3 Hours
Class Type: In-Person & Online
Number Of Students: 10 ( In Person )
Homework: Yes
Full Length Tests: Yes / 3
Class Dates: 9 Jul – 5 Oct
Time: Saturdays 11a-2p, Tuesdays 6-9p ET


/ Course


SAT prep course designed to cover Reading, Writing & Language, and Math subjects.



Maya Prep SAT course highlights :

  • We have formally prepped more than 3000 students for SAT test during the past 13 years
  • Average SAT score improvement of 200+ points
  • Our PSAT students have been awarded the $2,500 National Merit scholarship.  This scholarship is awarded only to 2,500 students out of about 1.5M applicants.
  • Good SAT and PSAT scores have enabled many of our students to get admitted to top schools such as Harvard, Columbia, CalTech, Northwestern, MIT, Carnegie Mellon, University of Michigan, UC Berkley, Stanford, Wayne State, Michigan State, Cornell etc.



9 JulAllBaseline Full Length Test
13 JulMathAlgebra (1 of 2)
16 JulReading & WritingStandard English Conventions - Form, Structure, and Sense (1 of 2)
20 JulMathAlgebra (2 of 2)
23 JulReading & WritingCraft and Structure - Words in Context, Text Structure and Purpose
27 JulMathProblem Solving and Data Analysis (1 of 2)
30 JulReading & WritingStandard English Conventions - Boundaries
3 AugMathProblem Solving and Data Analysis (2 of 2)
6 AugReading & WritingInformation and Ideas - Central Ideas and Details
10 AugMathAdvanced Math (1 of 2)
13 AugReading & WritingStandard English Conventions - Form, Structure, and Sense (2 of 2)
17 AugAllMid Point Full Length Test
20 AugMathAdvanced Math (2 of 2)
24 AugReading & WritingExpression of Ideas - Rhetorical Synthesis, Transitions
27 AugMathGeometry & Trigonometry (1 of 2)
31 AugLabor Day
3 SepReading & WritingInformation and Ideas - Command of Evidence, Inferences
7 SepMathGeometry & Trigonometry (2 of 2)
10 SepReading & WritingCraft and Structure - Cross-Text Connections
14 SepMathMath review
21 SepReading & WritingReading & Writing Review
28 SepAllJeopardy Competition
5 OctAllFinal Full Length Test