Computer Science Discoveries

Computer Science Discoveries

Number Of Classes: Ongoing
Class Duration: 2 Hours
Class Type: In-Person & Online
Number Of Students: 10 ( In Person )
Homework: Yes
Class Dates: 11th July onwards
Time: Thursdays 4-6p


/ 4 Classes


Computer Science Discoveries for 6th-9th Graders.

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13 JulCS Overview
20 JulProblem Solving & Computing
27 JulProblem Solving & Computing
3 AugWeb Development
10 AugWeb Development
17 AugWeb Development
24 AugWeb Development
31 AugWeb Development
7 SepInteractive Animations & Games
14 SepInteractive Animations & Games
21 SepInteractive Animations & Games
28 SepInteractive Animations & Games
5 OctInteractive Animations & Games
12 OctProgramming Languages
19 OctProgramming Languages
26 octThe Design Process
2 NovData and Society
9 NovData and Society
16 NovPhysical Computing
23 NovThanksgiving
30 NovAI/ML
7 DecAI/ML
14 DecShow n Tell