Diamond – High School & College Admissions Prep & Essays

Diamond – High School & College Admissions Prep & Essays

PERSONALIZED and UNLIMITED help planning for your ENTIRE High School journey and planning and applying for ALL your College Admissions including Common App.

High School Prep

– Multiple meetings going over High School (8th-12th grade) Course selection, SAT & ACT planning, summer internships, summer camps, and extracurricular activities.

– Create and share holistic High School plan for the student outlining concrete milestones and dates

– Quarterly check-in meetings until end of Junior year to review progress, brainstorm ideas, and refine plan

College Prep

– Multiple (unlimited and individualized) sessions to identify colleges to apply (where) based on identified criteria, early vs regular (when), binding vs non-binding, and create a detailed application submission plan

– Multiple Common App essay planning and ideation sessions

– Multiple sessions to create Common App profile

– Multiple essay planning and ideation sessions for each College Application

– Multiple follow ups for enhancing essay content, going over revisions, and proofreading

– Weekly check-in to monitor progress of the application submission plan, upcoming milestones, and refinements


/ Package


PERSONALIZED and UNLIMITED help planning for your ENTIRE High School journey and planning and applying for ALL your College Admissions including Common App.
